Missing Dog – Trio

This is Trio, a street dog Iiving next to my house. He was hit by a vehicle as a pup and has been a cripple since. He is very scared of people, vehicles and other dogs. We have been looking after him about 3 years now. Few days ago we noticed a swelling in his ear, on seeking further consultation, he underwent a surgery and was adviced a few days of hospitalization. We have today been informed that he has escaped the premises and has been missing. He has last been seen in tolichowki. Anybody living in Hyderabad, if you can help us find him, we would truly be very grateful. Happy to put out a reward too. 
Last seen location: Khans Villa, 9-4-138/4, Grammar Colony, Vali Colony, Toli Chowki, Hyderabad, Telangana 500008, India
Ready to reward for forming a search committee and find him
Thanks 🙏🏼

  • Stray
  • Cream
  • Khans Villa, 9-4-138/4, Grammar Colony, Vali Colony, Toli Chowki, Hyderabad, Telangana 500008, India
  • 9849006250