Indie dog missing, Pune City.

  • Hi, I live in Pune City, Rafa has been missing since 2nd September, it’s been a month since he’s missing. Please help us find him. Till now he might have travelled upto baner/ balewadi/ sus/ pashan/ lavle/ hinjewadi/ maan/ mahalunge area.
  • If you live in these areas and might have spotted a similar indie dog please contact us on 8668242994. Reward of Rs.5000 will be given.
  • he’s not wearing any collar or leash.
  • responds to the name Rafa.
  • he’s 3 years old and not neutered.
  • Please please help us, keep a watch in your surrounding areas.
  • Indie
  • White and Tan
  • Pune, Maharashtra
  • 8668242994