
Name : Roger
Animal Type Dog
Breed: Husky type cross
Gender : male
Age (In Human Years): 10
Last Seen on (If it’s a lost pet, the date on which the pet went missing):14.11.2020 Saturday
Area in which the pet went missing (Please be really specific, like street name, near : bramaputra street ganga nagar moovarasampet madipakkam Chennai 91
Identification Marks on the pet : blue color collar on his neck
Condition of the pet (Before it went missing): well and good condition
Additional Comments (How did the pet go missing) : due to afraid of crackers during the Diwali time
Colour : white, black and brown
Skin type : hairy husky type of dog

  • Husky type cross
  • White black and brown
  • Plot no 3 bramaputra street ganga nagar moovarasampet madipakkam Chennai 91
  • 6379538330