Rhino, dalmation cross dog went missing on diwali day

Name (The name to which the pet responds): Rhino
Animal Type (Dog/ Cat): Dog
Breed: Dalmatian Cross
Gender (Male/Female): Female
Age (In Human Years): 13 yrs
Last Seen on (If it’s a lost pet, the date on which the pet went missing): 27-Oct-19
Area in which the pet went missing (Please be really specific, like street name, near which shop, etc): 11/6, Jai Nagar, 15th Street, Arumbakkam, Chennai – 106
Did anyone spot the pet after that? If yes, let us know where:

Near JaiNagar Park Temple

Identification Marks on the Pet (Collar colour if any, any marks in the body?): Black spots on white skin
Condition of the pet (Before it went missing): Healthy, always stayed at home.
Additional Comments (How did the pet go missing?): Noise of fire crackers made the Dog run away. Usually we keep it locked inside our bedroom during diwali, since it goes bit cranky about the sound. This time someone has opened by mistake.
Contact number: 9840538833, Thulasidoss
  • Dalmation Cross
  • White with Black patches
  • 11/6, Jai Nagar, 15th Street, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 106
  • 9840538833